Missions Program - Oxford Baptist Church
2014 - Missions Report - 2014
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"” Isaiah 6:8
This past year the Lord sent us on a great journey through missions that caused us to critically examine our role as missionaries,
opened our eyes to see the needs of our communities, globally as well as locally, filled our hearts with compassion for our
fellow man and perhaps most importantly; God took the small mustard seed of faith that we offered Him and in turn God blessed
our obedience and willingness, and our seed of faith sprouted into a strong young plant. With our faith growing and with God’s
help and guidance, Oxford Baptist Church grew in its giving as well as in its global vision and understanding. It was a growing
year for us all, as God used this year in missions to take us out of our comfort zones. By giving God control did we grow
spiritually and more united as the people of God.
Our first lesson was held in March and we learned that missions are the backbone of the Christian church and should be the focus
for every Christian man, woman, and child. Nina Gunther once said “If you take missions out of the bible, you won’t have anything
left but the covers!” Since the fall of man, in the Garden of Eden, God has been on a relentless mission to draw what was lost
back to Him. Missions cover every book of the bible from Genesis to Revelation, and tell the story of God seeking what was lost
using plain, ordinary, lack luster, everyday people to do it!
Over the course of the year, mission lessons focused on:
Xenophobia – We learned that churches inward focused will die from lack of oxygen from the lack of influx of new people, ideas and thoughts.
The old guard is afraid of allowing new people leadership positions because of the fear of the unknown. They may have different ideas and
thoughts of how to reach new people that scare and intimate them. It makes them uncomfortable. Churches need to grow, people need to be
involved and to use their talents and gifts and people need to hear the message of salvation. The church is not a social club; it is a place
to meet with our Lord, to recharge our batteries and strength so we can face another week following Christ and reaching out to people, it is
not a place to be comfortable and stagnant. Meeting new people, allowing them in the fellowship, making changes to the way we do things, are
all scary things because it challenges our status quo and comfort level. We need to reach out, stand up and be the people God intended us to be.
Crisis - The church needs to be actively involved within the community so that when disaster and crisis come we are not only better able to
help and identify needs but we are credible because we know the people and they know us and of our experience. We need ready to immediately
mobilize when crisis arise. We are the visible arms of Christ. Our job is to show His unconditional love and compassion through acts of
servant hood. Mother Teresa once said “"I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world."
We need to realize and truly understand ministering to people’s needs in crisis does not always mean preaching to them with words. It requires
the heart and compassion of Christ. Through our acts of kindness and love, Christ will shine through. When a crisis occurs, it provides yet
another opportunity for God’s people to become the living embodiment of His love for mankind through service.
Persecution – As we studied the Persecution of Christians throughout history we focused on the Freedom Rider Movement of 1961. The main crux
of this powerful documentary focused on two main concepts 1. Could you get on the bus?, knowing that you faced the real possibility of being
killed and 2. What do YOU believe in so much that you’d be willingly to die for it? Is that not the same question Christians are
faced with daily? Can they accept and live for Christ knowing they face the real possibility of being killed. Could you?
Mercy - Uncle Sam dropped by one night in June with a poignant message about compassion and mercy. The simplest way to define "mercy" is
as an active display of love and compassion for someone in need. There's no idea in "mercy" of someone being 'worthy' or 'deserving'.
Rather, it's the idea of someone being helpless and unworthy in their need; but being shown active love and compassion in the meeting
of their need - even though they don't deserve to have it met. One of the reasons missionaries answer God’s call to serve is because they
have experienced the mercy of God in their own lives and want to take it to people everywhere. On the field, they have countless
opportunities to extend mercy to people every day – just as you and I do in our families, churches, workplaces, schools, neighborhoods
and communities. Are you ready to follow Christ’s command “Go and Do Likewise?, regardless of where Christ may call you to take your
light? People are hurting; they need to see the love of the Lord.
The Jesus Film – Based on the Gospel of Luke, the "JESUS" film has now been translated into more than 1,090 languages, with a new language
being added nearly every week. Each new language allows the love of Christ to be shared with ONE more people group! This brings God's
Word to people in more than 200 countries in languages they know and understand. By God's grace, it is yielding a spiritual harvest of
unprecedented results. It is the power of the Word of God in their heart language. We were moved to tears and yet overjoyed in
the hope of Jesus Christ in July, as we gathered to view this influential life changing film.
Disabilities – Perhaps one the most memorable moments this mission season was when Kendall shared his life’s journey with a disability.
It put a face on this issue and drove home the point that the church must be involved in changing lives. It is evident that Jesus has
great compassion for people with disabilities and their families. The Gospels show Jesus preferring to spend time with the “least”
rather than with people of wealth, influence, power, or even those in the religious hierarchy. Whether it was the man born blind in
John 9, or the individual with the withered hand in Luke 14, Jesus was "moved with compassion" whenever he encountered people with
disabilities. Many times during Jesus’s life on earth, He healed the crippled and lame, thereby providing for their immediate physical
needs. May we strive to continually be compassionate, doers of Christ’s commandment to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Accomplishments of 2014
Prayer has been an important element at Oxford Baptist. Each week 20 people receive the prayer line requests for missions.
Each mission service also has a time of prayer. Prayer is the key and without it nothing can be done.
Our average attendance on mission night is an awesome 18 people. May we continue to be diligent in learning about these global
issues and concerns. Continue to invite your family and friends to these evenings. We need to be aware of these injustices in
order to defeat them.
In the wake of the Moncton RCMP shooting tragedies’ in June, we delivered 2 trays of sweets along with an encouragement card to
our local RCMP detachment. We need to keep our eyes and ears open for other serving opportunities in which we can be a beacon of
God’s love and encouragement to.
Many of us continued to fill the food bank hamper in the lobby for those in need. More can be done. No one in our community should
ever be hungry with the abundances we have. Continue to pray and support this local outreach opportunity.
We were able to help our community this December through the White Gift Giving. $145 in cash donations along with a generous amount
of food items were delivered to the United Church for packing in the Christmas Hampers for those less fortunate. This is a tangible
way that we as a church can effect our community with the love of Christ. Our white tree also made an impact as numerous
“kind and loving” acts were pinned to it. May we keep our hearts tender and full of compassion for our fellow man at all times of the year!
United in Missions - Back in January when I was asked to be a part of the mission program, I spent a lot of time in prayer seeking
direction. At that time I clearly felt led to make the goal $2500 although in my head I knew that in previous years $1300 had
been raised. I followed my heart and prayed that I didn’t scare you. I believed and still do that God wants us to be more involved
with missions, spiritually, financially as well as practically. I kept that faith that we as a body could reach our lofty goal that
seemed unattainable. I believe God is the God of the impossible and that His people are faithful and obedient to follow His heart.
For with God nothing shall be impossible. Faith the size of a mustard seed will move the mighty mountain, what will ours do for the Lord?
Over the past 9 months our mustard seed has grown and developed into a fine young plant. As we prayed, as we gave, as we sought God’s
will - God answered our prayers and rewarded our faith. We reached our UIM goal of $2500 in 7 months. God is good.
Not only did we reach our goal of $2500.00, God has blessed us with an additional $1268. This amount was sent on behalf of the
Oxford Baptist church to Camp Pagweak. We have been blessed because each one of us was faithful and obedient to God’s will.
How much more can our faith grow this coming year? Will we reach, stretch and push our faith even further to be more like Christ?
I believe we can and we will.
Alabaster - One of the ways in which we reached our UIM goal was through Alabaster giving. Following the example of
Mary in Luke 7:36-50, we further gave more of our money and prayed for those so desperate in need of Jesus. We learned
that Alabaster giving is sacrificial giving. It is neither your tithe nor your offerings. Alabaster is a gift of love.
We collected our first Alabaster offering on September 28th. I was excited to see what God would do and without a doubt I
truly was blown away by your partnership with God. On that day $598.81 was collected in our Alabaster jars of love. We all
can make a difference in the world. Keep praying and putting your change and other monies into your Alabaster jar.
Our next collection date will be in February. Won’t you continue to have a HEART for Jesus? We may never know this side of
heaven the impact your love has made.
Operation Christmas Child - This year the Oxford Baptist participated once again in operation Christmas Child. Over six months
we were given ideas and a theme. As a result 41 boxes were packed, prayed for and have been delivered to children. Many of whom
received a gift for the very first time. In addition to the joy of receiving such a gift, they will also hear about the love
that Christ has for them, and that they matter! Lives will be changed, and souls won into the kingdom because of your loving
support and kindness. This year 700 474 shoe boxes were collected in Canada and distributed throughout the world.
In August we received a love offering for our missionaries, Jeff and Deann Carter. Please continue to pray for the Carter’s;
for their medical concerns, their children Matthew and Zachary, and for the work God has given them. In 2 Thessalonians 3
Paul says that the church should pray for the missionaries so that God’s Word would be effective and glorified in the lives
of the believers. He also said that the missionaries needed protection from the world and from wicked men. Paul implied that
without the prayers of the churches he and his missionary team could not do the work God called them to do. “1 As for other
matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.
2 And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith. 3 But the Lord is faithful, and he
will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. 4 We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to
do the things we command. 5 May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance”
Roast Beef Take Out Supper – In October, missions held a successful take out supper. 107 meals were picked up and or delivered to
those unable to get out. The entire church worked together and as a result grew stronger as a body. This will be held again in 2015.
As we enter in 2015 I pray that we will continue to PRAY, LOVE and then give all that we can, whether it is financial or of our
precious time. I pray that as our faith continues to grow that our hearts will break with compassion to the point that we can no
longer sit in a pew and do nothing. God calls us to look up and then step out of the crowd in His name. The road will not be
easy but the reward will be great. We need to follow the examples of Christ and live compassion every day. The way God designed
our bodies is a model for understanding our lives together as a church: every part dependent on every other part, the parts we mention
and the parts we don't, the parts we see and the parts we don't. If one part hurts, every other part is involved in the hurt, and in
the healing. If one part flourishes, every other part enters into the exuberance. 1 Corinthians 12:25-26 (The Message)
On behalf of all the lives that will be and have been touched by your faithfulness and generosity, I thank you from the least of them.
No price is too great to pay to win souls for the Lord. Missions exist right outside our front doors. God calls us all to that field.
Will you answer His call? Are you willing to get messy? Are you ready to leave your comfort zone and places of refuge for Him?
Joshua 1:9 says “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Respectfully Submitted;
Tania Thompson
Wendy Newman
Missions Committee